Advanced Laparoscopic Gallstone Treatment
Gallstone Cost Calculator


What are Gallstones?

Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluids that form crystals inside the gallbladder , a small pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the abdomen, just beneath the liver. It stores and releases bile, a fluid made in the liver that aids digestion. The size of gallstones can range from the size of a grain to that of a golf-ball. They block the bile duct, resulting in an inflammation or infection of the gallbladder, which is medically known as Cholecystitis, and can lead to life-threatening complications if left untreated.

How does it form?

The bile juice carries wastes such as cholesterol and bilirubin which are made from the breakdown of hemoglobin which results in the formation of gallstones. When excessive amounts of cholesterol present in the bile crystallize, it prevents the gallbladder from emptying properly, leading to sudden piercing pain in the abdomen. These then block the bile ducts in the biliary tract causing a gallbladder attack which can be extremely painful.


  • Excess cholesterol present in the bile
  • Presence of excess calcium in the bile
  • Gallbladder does not clear properly


  • Fever and chills
  • Upset stomach
  • Excessive pain on the right side of the upper/mid belly, just under the ribs
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Eyes and skin turning yellow
  • Indigestion, heartburn and gas
  • Pain in the right shoulder or back


Self Diagnosis

Though you might not suffer from any sort of pain due to gallstones initially, they might internally lead to several complications which can include these symptoms:
Nausea and Vomiting
Piercing and quickly intensifying pain in the right side of your abdomen
Pain in your right shoulder
High fever acoompanied with chills
Pain in the mid or lower back
Jaundice, leading to skin and eye whites appearing yellow
Heartburn and indigestion
If you are going through any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you may consider suffering from the complications of a possible gallstone attack and should immediately seek medical assistance.

Diagnosis by the Doctor

The doctor will carry out a physical examination of your skin and eyes to look for the signs of jaundice.
You might be asked to point to the area in your stomach where you experience the pain or the doctor might just check the tenderness in your abdomen.
Depending upon your condition, the doctor will carry out certain medical examinations like blood tests and ultrasound to look for a possible blockage in your bile duct.
Based on the readings of the above tests, the doctor might also carry out a CT scan, MRI scan, HIDA scan, and run tests like ERCP.


Grade I

Lithogenic Stage

In this stage, the gallbladder appears normally without any adhesions. Although the conditions inside the gallbladder may favour possible gallstone formation, nothing is formed quite yet and you can take certain measures to prevent the potential risks of developing gallstone.

Grade II

Asymptomatic Gallstone Formation

This is the stage where small gallstones present inside the gallbladder can be detected easily but do not cause any problems since they are able to pass through the biliary tract and can be expelled.

Grade III

Symptomatic Gallstone Formation

This is the stage in which the gallstones can block your bile duct and cause abdominal pain. However, the pain may not beconstant and will be felt especially after you have a meal.

Grade IV

Advanced/Complicated Cholecystitis

This is the final stage, where the condition becomes potentially life-threatening as the bile is blocked and unable to flow out of the gallbladder. If proper treatment is not received , this can be fatal as the chances of developing a potential gallbladder cancer is very high in this stage

When to consult a doctor?

The presence of small gallstones in the gallbladder might not cause any significant signs and symptoms initially and certain cases might never require treatment. However, if you are suffering from complications like severe abdominal pain lasting for almost two hours, nausea and vomiting, you should immediately seek medical assistance. Consulting a gastroenterologist or an abdominal surgeon specializing in the digestive system in this case would be the wisest decision to make.

Treatment Options


Based on the conditions and severity of your symptoms, the doctor might treat your gallstones without giving it a surgical approach. However, a non-surgical procedure only works when you have cholesterol stones.


In case if you have gone through a gallstone attack, the gastroenterologist might advice you to wait and want to see if you have more of such attacks frequently. If you are suffering from pain and other severe complications caused due to the gallstones, you may need to get a surgery to remove the gallstones/gallbladder. Gallstone or gallbladder removal surgeries are one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures across the world. Doctors generally advise surgery if you are suffering from repeated gallstone attacks in order to prevent possible complications that might result in a severe outcome.

Insurance Coverage

Though insurance is very beneficial to the patient, most of the patients opt for better amenities and services while using health insurance policies to cover the cost of a gallstone surgery. With insurance, the expenses of the treatment may go higher than expectations, but, as the sum is deducted from the insurance, the patient does not feel a burden on his/her shoulder.