Advanced Hip Replacement Treatment
Hip Replacement Cost Calculator

Hip Replacement

What is a Hip replacement?

Hip arthroplasty, or hip replacement, is a surgical procedure aimed at treating pain in the hip joint by replacing some parts of the joint with artificial implants. The hip joint comprises of a ball at the top of the femur and the socket in the pelvis. The surgery involves the replacing one or both of these parts to allow the patient to resume daily activities and exercises with significantly less pain.

Types of Hip Replacement Surgery

1. Total Hip replacement
2. Partial Hip replacement
3. Hip resurfacing

Hip Replacement is Required because of degeneration of Hip joint because of

Osteoporosis of Hip joint
Osteonecrosis of Hip joint
Osteoarthritis of Hip joint
Rheumatoid Arthritis of Hip joint
Trauma to Hip joint

Indications of hip replacement surgery

Injuries, such as dislocation and fracture from a fall.
Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome
Hip dysplasia
Avascular necrosis, or osteonecrosis
Severe hip pain, swelling, and stiffness that interferes with your mobility.
Severe discomfort that interferes with your rest and sleep cycle
Daily tasks like walking, climbing stairs, shopping, etc. become painful.
Psychological stress and depression due to pain and lack of mobility.
No effect of nonsurgical treatment options
Other health issues have been ruled out by your doctor.

Diagnostic tests required for Hip Replacement


The orthopedic surgeon will ask you to have a few tests before hip replacement surgery, including-
These imaging tests will help in better diagnosis of the condition, the surgeon will suggest the best suitable treatment option for you after evaluating your condition based on the test results.

Risks & Complications

Potential risks and complications associated with hip replacement surgery

“Hip replacement surgery is a major surgery that involves some risks and complications.
Possible complications from hip replacement surgery include:
Blood clots
Blood vessel injury
Leg-length inequality
Loosening of implant
Nerve injury
