Advanced Knee Replacement Treatment
Knee Replacement Cost Calculator

Knee Replacement

What is Knee Replacement?

"Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure that replaces a damaged knee with a plastic or metal implant. The surgery is recommended to people who have been suffering from severe arthritis or have suffered a major knee injury.
There are several types of arthritis which can affect the joints of the knee. Some of the most common ones are osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease affecting middle-aged or older people. The condition can cause the breakdown of the cartilage in joints,making the knee joint weaker. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand,causes inflammation of the synovial membranes in joints and can leads to excessive fluid buildup, which in turn causes stiffness and pain. Lastly, the reason behind traumatic arthritis is a major injury to the knee and can severely damage the knee cartilage, which may give rise to the need for a joint replacement.
Before recommending knee replacement surgery, your doctor will try to use conservative approaches for your treatment. In case such methods fail to show results, surgical treatments will be considered. To determine whether you are a viable candidate for knee replacement surgery, some physical tests and scans are done. Moreover, the surgical technique also depends upon factors like your body weight, activity, size, and shape of the knee, and overall health."

Types of Disease

Total Knee Replacement
Unicompartmental or Partial Knee Replacement

When do you need a Knee replacement?

Medication, including strong anti-inflammatory drugs, are not easing your pain.
Less invasive treatment options like cortisone injections, lubricating injections, and physical therapy have been ineffective in reducing pain and inflammation.
You face severe difficulty and pain while performing even simple everyday tasks like bathing, getting out of bed, climbing the stairs, walking, etc.
You have started experiencing pain even when your knee is stationary while you’re sitting or lying down.
The knee has visible deformation
You are in the age category of 50 to 80 years old. Most people in this age group require knee replacement surgery as conservative treatments may be ineffective for them. However, it should be noted that age is not necessarily a deciding factor for a total knee replacement surgery.


Do I need a Knee Replacement ?

Treatment for pain and discomfort in the knees begins with conservative methods like physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cortisone injections. If you have not seen any results even after a significant amount of time and are still experiencing pain while doing simple activities or when you’re at rest, you may require knee replacement surgery. Other symptoms may include stiffness, inflammation, and swelling of the joint.

Replacement knee implant medical concept as a human leg anatomy after a prosthetic surgery as a musculoskeletal disease treatment symbol for orthopedics with 3D illustration elements on white.

Potential risks and complications associated with knee replacement

"Minimally invasive knee replacement surgeries have a success rate of 90 to 95 percent, and the implant stays durable for 10 to 15 years in suitable conditions. However, as the surgery is a major procedure, there are some potential risks and complications associated with it. Possible risks include the following.
Deep vein thrombosis
Pulmonary embolism
A fracture after or during the surgery
Bleeding in the joint during or post-surgery
Instability of the knee cap leading to dislocation
Nerve damage leading to numbness or weakness
Ligament or artery damage
Pain and stiffness post-surgery
An allergic reaction to bone cement
Excess bone formation around the knee implant, leading to loss of movement
Excess scar tissue buildup
Wearing down of implant
The patient must be on the lookout for any signs of post-surgery complications. Swelling, bleeding, and redness around the site of operation, and fever may be signs of an infection. Tenderness, redness, and swelling below the knee, or in the calf or foot may be indicative of a blood clot in the leg or deep vein thrombosis, while shortness of breath and pain in the chest after surgery can indicate of pulmonary embolism or blood clot in the lungs.
If the patient suspects the presence of any of the above-given complications, he should seek immediate medical attention. "

Treatment Options

What happens before a knee replacement surgery?

The doctor will provide details about the process, risks, and benefits of knee replacement surgery to you, and address all your doubts about the same to help you make an informed decision. After you having made a decision, you will be required to sign a consent form which gives permission to the surgeon to perform the procedure. After the surgery is finalized, your doctor will analyze your entire medical history and perform a few physical and diagnostic tests and scans to make sure that you are a suitable candidate for the surgery.
It is essential to notify your doctor if you are allergic to any medication or anesthetic agents, or if you are taking any allopathic, herbal, or ayurvedic prescribed or over-the-counter medication, or if you suffer from any blood disorders. Notify your doctor if you are pregnant or if you suspect that you are pregnant.
You will be asked not to eat anything for eight hours prior to the surgery and will be given a sedative before the surgery to help you relax. Apart from this, our doctor may request some other specifications based on your medical condition.

What happens during a knee replacement surgery?

As the surgery begins, an IV line is inserted into your arm for administering the anesthesia. Throughout the duration of the surgery, a doctor or nurse closely monitors your heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and oxygen level. During a knee replacement surgery, the surgeon replaces the damaged parts of the knee joint with an artificial knee joint implant.
Minimally invasive or MIS knee replacement surgery is a new and innovative orthopedic procedure which allows the knee surgeon to carry out the procedure through a shorter incision using a modern surgical approach (like arthroscopic) which prevents trauma to the quadriceps muscle (of the knee joint).
MIS knee replacement requires a much shorter incision of 3 to 4 inches incision, instead of an 8 to 10 inch one used in traditional knee replacement surgery. The knee surgeon removes the damaged or diseased part of the knee joint and replaces it with a knee implant made of ceramic, plastic or metal components. After the knee implant has been placed, the orthopedic surgeon tests for fit and mobility of the new implant before the incision is closed. Sutures are used to close the incision and the patient is taken to the recovery room.

What happens after a knee replacement surgery?

After the surgery, you will be taken into a recovery room for a few hours. Most people are discharged from the hospital on the same day as the surgery is performed. However, the length of your hospital stay will depend on your condition andrequirements.
During your stay in the hospital, you will be encouraged by your doctor and physiotherapist to try to move your ankle and foot to increase the blood flow to your leg, and avoid swelling and blood clotting. You will be asked to do some breathing exercises and gradually increase activity in your leg.
Your surgeon will demonstrate some strength-building exercises for you to do during rehabilitation time and prescribe some medication for pain. For the best recovery, follow all the instructions and inform your doctor if you suspect any complications.


How much does a total knee replacement surgery cost?

Total knee replacement surgery or TKR can cost somewhere between INR 3,20,000 to INR 4,50,000. This cost bracket is only for reference and is not a fixed cost. Factors like the type of implant used, surgical techniques, the fee of hospital and surgeon along with some other things influence the cost of knee replacement surgery.

How much does a partial knee replacement surgery cost ?

A partial knee replacement can range from INR 1,80,000 to INR 2,50,000. If you undergo surgery for both knees, the cost of surgery will go up. Other than that, factors like the general fees of the hospital and surgeon, type of implant, and the technique used for the surgery are some of the major factors that will influence the cost of partial knee replacement surgery.

Insurance coverage for knee replacement surgery

Most insurance companies cover the cost of partial and total knee replacement surgeries. But the exact amount of coverage depends on your health insurance policy. To know the details, it is best that you talk to your insurance provider to discuss the insurance coverage of our surgery.

Recovery after knee replacement surgery

You will be taken to the observation room after the surgery where your vitals will be monitored by your medical team. During our hospital stay, you will be encouraged to move your foot and leg, and to try to stand or walk with the help of a walking aid. The rehabilitation program will be begun in the hospital and a physiotherapist will be arranged for you. Before your discharge, your doctor will prescribe some antibiotics and painkillers and will give some basic instructions to follow in the recovery period, and your physiotherapist will teach you some exercises for a healthy and quick recovery.