Advanced AV Fistula Treatment
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AV Fistula

What is AV Fistula Surgery?

An AV fistula is made during AV fistula surgery in order to safely perform hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. When the doctors perform vascular access surgery or dialysis access, a fistula is created between the dialysis machine and the blood vessels, or arteries and veins. For hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, an access point is a vascular opening through which a needle or an abdominal catheter is formed.

How is an AV Fistula for Dialysis formed?

An AV fistula is, as was already noted, a surgically made connection between an artery and a vein. The fistula is typically made on the non-dominant arm so that the patient can carry out daily tasks with the dominant hand without jeopardising the connection.
An artery and a vein are connected directly by sutures to create an arteriovenous fistula. Blood leaves the heart and travels through an artery to all other bodily components. In arteries, there is a high blood pressure and flow. A vein, as opposed to an artery, has low pressure and slowly pumps blood back to the heart.
As time passes after the artery and vein are joined, the veins enlarge and allow more blood to circulate without being damaged. When a vein enlarges, a process known as maturation has taken place, indicating that the blood vessels are prepared for dialysis therapy.

Causes & Symptoms

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Several genetic disorders, such as polycystic kidney disease
  • Various illnesses, including shock and renal artery stenosis
  • Nephritis and glomerulonephritis, two kidney diseases that produce inflammation,
  • chronic diseases with inadequate or no treatment, such as diabetes and high blood pressure
  • injury to the kidneys or the blood vessels that supply them
  • blockages of the urinary tract, such as kidney stones, tumours, congenital malformations, and enlarged prostate glands
  • Kidney cancer



Preoperative Vascular Mapping
A doppler ultrasound (DUS) is used for accurate vascular mapping since it gives detailed details about the superficial and deep veins as well as all the necessary information on the arterial circulation, such as vessel palpability, calibre, patency, course, etc. A vascular surgeon can evaluate arterial circulation using a variety of morphological and functional parameters using the non-invasive DUS.
Vascular diameter, wall thickness, wall changes, vascular course, and steno-obstructive lesions, if present, are among the morphological criteria. The functional evaluation also evaluates the blood flow and the artery’s capacity to dilate.
Prior to the procedure, preoperative venous mapping is also completed. A tourniquet is used to check the superficial venous circulation. If the superficial vein can be used for AVF or not depends on a number of factors. The vessel’s route, patency, distensibility, calibre, and collateral circuits are some of these properties.
The arteriovenous fistula will gradually enlarge and begin to mature once it is made for dialysis. The vein will be prepared for dialysis once it reaches the maturity stage.


Due to the complexity of AV fistula surgery, self-diagnosis is not an option. Only a trained and knowledgeable medical practitioner is capable of accurately evaluating the condition of the nerves.

Diagnosis by the Doctor

A nephrologist (a specialist in renal disease) recommends and a vascular surgeon performs the AV fistula surgery for dialysis. The vascular surgeon must take into account a number of crucial components when doing dialysis access surgery to treat chronic renal disease. With few procedures, it is intended to reduce AV fistula failure and raise patency rates.
The patient’s health is carefully assessed because AV fistula is typically thought of as the best vascular access. This includes the patient’s medical status, such as the stage of CKD, life expectancy, comorbidities present, psychological issues, etc. Anatomical factors, such as blood vessels and any arterial or venous diseases, are the next stage.

Risks & Complications

During the surgery

AV fistula surgery for dialysis entails risks and potential problems, just like all other surgeries.
Symptoms of anaesthesia
Bleeding can cause shock if it occurs.
the AV fistula developing blood clots
Fistula and surrounding tissues infected
inflammation in the arm
Numbness at the surgery site brought on by nerve bruising

After the surgery

The hazards are not eliminated even after successful fistula creation. Some potential hazards and consequences may persist over time, but they only affect a small percentage of patients.
Fistula clotting indicates that blood no longer flows through the fistula. The clot may become lodged in some situations, making removal challenging. This will lead to the development of a new kind of access for dialysis.
Steal syndrome: If a significant volume of blood flows directly through the vein, there is a remote chance that this will influence the blood flow through the artery. Hand movements may be impacted as a result of this. It may be necessary to do another procedure to rectify the blood flow.
Infection– Long after the procedure is finished, there is still a danger of infection in either the wound or the fistula itself. In such a case, antibiotics will be required.

After-Surgery Care Tips

A patient can take a number of steps to lessen the likelihood of complications both before and after surgery. The following advice can be used to treat an AV fistula and safeguard the vascular access:
Every day, check the pulse in the vascular access, and report any changes to the doctor right away.
As long as the AV fistula is being used for dialysis treatment, adhere to the dietary and lifestyle limitations and suggestions given by the doctor.
If there are any indications of conception or pregnancy, call the doctor right away.
Do not let medical staff take blood pressure readings or blood pressure measurements from the arm that has an AV fistula.
Avoid restricting the arm by sleeping on it or by using tight clothing or accessories that may obstruct blood flow.
Any bleeding, redness surrounding the wound, persistent pain, fever, edoema, or drainage from the fistula should be reported to the doctor.
The AV fistula arm should not be used to lift heavy objects, and it should be kept safe from harm.
Follow the doctor’s instructions when it comes to your dialysis treatments and recommended drugs.

When to consult a doctor ?

When a patient has kidney failure or is in the last stages of chronic renal illness, it is appropriate to visit a vascular surgeon about having AV fistula surgery. This will give the surgeon enough time to assess the patient's general vascular health. The surgeon can then decide if AV fistula surgery is the best choice for vascular access to enable the dialysis therapy that will be needed in the future months.

Treatment Options & Cost

Types of Vascular Access Surgery

Vascular access comes in three main varieties. Arteriovenous fistulas and AV grafts are two of them that are intended for long-term use. The venous catheter is the third kind, which is used temporarily.

Arteriovenous Fistula Surgery
An artery and a vein are connected to form an AV fistula. In order to safely administer hemodialysis treatment, the vein is dilated and expanded during surgery. Because it offers adequate blood flow, lasts longer than other types of access, and is less likely to become infected or blocked during therapy, the AV fistula is advised above other types of access.
Before the AV fistula can be used for dialysis, it must first form and mature for at least two to three months. The patient must undergo the operation again or select an alternative if the fistula does not mature.

Arteriovenous Graft Surgery
In contrast to a fistula, an AV graft joins the artery and vein with a man-made plastic tube. The graft is looped, with one end attached to an artery and the other to a vein. When the patient doesn’t have enough time to wait for an AV fistula to develop, this surgery is preferred. After surgery, the AV graft is often ready for usage two to three weeks later.

Venous Catheter
The use of a venous catheter is the third method for gaining vascular access. The tube is put into a vein in the neck, chest, or area close to the groyne. A sizable central vein connects the tube to the body. The catheter is guided into the desired vein using fluoroscopy, a form of X-ray. This approach is used when the patient may not have enough time to have an AV fistula or graft placed because the kidney disease is progressing too quickly. The venous catheter will be used for a few weeks or months, but eventually dialysis will require a long-term vascular access operation.

Types of AV Fistula for Dialysis

All AVF for dialysis shares a lot of the same traits. They were all made utilising natural materials and non-synthetic containers. The three fistulas for dialysis that are most frequently made are:

1: Radial Cephalic Fistula
This kind of fistula is extremely challenging to form. For anastomosis, the radial artery and cephalic vein are joined. Compared to the other two forms, the radial cephalic fistula has a lower blood flow, but it better protects the arm vessels. The initial option for hemodialysis access is typically this.

2: Brachial Cephalic Fistula
The cephalic vein in the upper arm is used to generate this sort of fistula by joining it to the brachial artery. The fistula is simple to form because the blood arteries in the arm are bigger. It typically requires less dissection and has a wider range of potential cannulation sites. During dialysis, the brachial cephalic fistula allows more blood to pass via the blood arteries but also increases the risk of steal syndrome.

3: Brachial Basilic Fistula
To acquire stable vascular access with this type of arteriovenous fistula, the vein must be raised and transposed. A deep vein that has been mobilised and a superficial artery are connected. Although it can be conserved more effectively than other fistulas, it also has a greater rate of patient morbidity. Patients who have repeatedly failed access procedures are more likely to develop it.

Surgery Preparation

The preparation a patient does can enhance the results of the surgery. Therefore, it is essential to be fully prepared before having the treatment.
In relation to your medical history and current medications, please respond to all of the doctor’s questions. This includes over-the-counter medicines, prescription pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, and vitamins.
To improve your general health, alter your diet as needed and strive to shed extra pounds.
High blood pressure should be under control, as this can increase the risk of AV fistula surgery problems.
Prior to the procedure, wait 6 to 8 hours before eating or drinking.
Avoid smoking at all costs since it weakens blood vessels and slows healing.
Before beginning the dialysis treatment, take any drugs your doctor has given exactly as instructed.

During the surgery

An expert vascular surgeon performs the AV fistula surgery in an outpatient setting at a hospital. As soon as the surgery site has been cleaned, anaesthesia will begin. Depending on the patient’s condition, general, local, or regional anaesthesia may be utilised.
The procedure will be carried out in the manner described below.
– Following the onset of the anaesthetic, the area is cut.
The chosen artery and vein are located, and the blood flow via the selected blood vessels is momentarily stopped.
Through the use of stitches, the artery and vein are connected together without the use of any external support, restoring blood flow.
After that, the wound is stitched up, and the fistula is allowed to develop over the following few months.

After the surgery

The patient is moved to the observation room right after following surgery. Following the administration of general anaesthesia, a tube may be inserted in the windpipe to regulate breathing.
For the following few hours, the surgical team will keep an eye on the patient’s vital signs and other important bodily processes. The patient is given the all-clear to go once everything is in order. The doctor gives you a recovery plan that includes dos and don’ts following the surgery before you leave the hospital.

Before and after the surgery comparison

There won’t be a lot of external modifications. The swollen vein that will be used for access to the dialysis machine will be visible to the patient internally. The blood vessels can also be felt to have a pulse.

Cost of AV Fistula Surgery for Dialysis

In India, AV fistula surgery can cost anywhere between 80,000 and 1,50,000 rupees. The following variables could affect the price in different ways. –
difficulty of the process (veins used to create AV fistula)
Surgical fee
diagnostic procedures
Risks and difficulties
the cost of anaesthesia
costs associated with hospitals
Care after surgery and follow-ups

Insurance Coverage

Most health insurance policies cover critical illnesses, which include any or all ailments that impair kidney function. It is medically vital to treat renal failure or CKD in order to save the patient's life. As a result, the AVF operation for dialysis is covered by the health insurance policy.
Around 6-7 months before to the start of the first dialysis session, the procedure will be carried out. Therefore, the patient can submit a reimbursement claim or they can submit a straight insurance claim to cover the costs. The majority of treatment-related costs will be covered by the policy, and the insurance companies will clearly outline any exceptions. It is advisable to discuss the terms and conditions of the policy with the insurance provider.

Recovery Rate

After AV fistula surgery for dialysis, healing happens gradually. For several days, the fistula-producing arm will be painful and numb. After surgery, the discomfort will disappear and the fistula will begin to repair and grow in size. The fistula will grow and become robust enough over the following two to three months to resist routine needle insertion and dialysis treatment.
